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What is the SAPH440 automotive structural steel?

SAPH440 automotive steel is a structural hot rolled steel in the form of plates, sheets & strips for automobile structural applications. The structural quality hot rolled SAPH440 steel is more reliable in its tensile strength than SAPH310 steel. It can be used in auto parts for reducing weight & cost.


SAPH440 is a material grade and designation defined in JIS G 3113 standard. JIS G 3113 is a Japanese material standard for Hot-Rolled steel plates, sheets, strips for automobile structural usage. The structural quality hot rolled SAPH440 steel is more reliable in its tensile strength than SAPH310 steel.

Chemical Composition of JIS G3113 SAPH440 Steels:

The Chemical Composition of SAPH440 Steels: JIS G 3113 defines the chemical composition of SAPH440 steels as under:

Element Content Carbon, C % 0.15 max Manganese, Mn % 1.00max Phosphorous, P % 0.045 max Sulphur, S % 0.045 max Silicon, Si % 0.20 max

Mechanical Properties of SAPH440 Steels:

The mechanical properties of SAPH440 steels are outlined in the following table.

The tensile strength of the SAPH440 Steels is expressed in Newton per millimeters and it must be at-least 440 N/mm2 (MPa).

The yield strength is minimum 275 to minimum 305 N/mm2 (MPa) depending on the thickness.

The elongation property of SAPH440 steel varies with the ranges of thickness.

The minimum percentage ranges for elongation is from 30 to 36 percent starting from 1.2 mm to 4.0 mm and over.

Heat Treatment:

Any need for SAPH440 steel heat treatment will vary with the components, the working environment and the ultimate goal.

Applications of SAPH440 automotive structural steels:

These steels are suitable for parts such as structural members, auto bodies and columns and other automotive structural parts and study components that require good formability and weldability.

SAPH440 steels are particularly useful for automobile structural member and components with good formability, weldability and high strength.

One of the most widely used persons for SAPH440 steel are automobiles. As a automotive body structure part, SAPH440 can effectively reduce the weight and cost of the vehicle and improve the crash safety performance.

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