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ABS Grade AH32, DH32, EH32 marine steel

ABS Grade AH32 marine steel plates are mainly used to manufacture ships as they are high solidity, low temperature and excellent weldability. This grade of steel is also known as the AH32 grade, which has aim to show the high strength, toughness, resistance to cold temperature and welding finish. Its impact strength is excellent at 0°C, while its low temperature properties, such as flexibility and bending, is satisfactory at -40°C.

ABS Grade DH32 marine steel plate contains lower manganese content, so DH32 steel plate has excellent weldability and higher impact strength. In addition, it has excellent abrasion, tear and corrosion resistance. ABS grade DH32 steel plates are widely used in shipbuilding, typically for offshore, merchant and naval vessels. It is also widely used in storage containers and other marine applications.

The ABS Grade EH32 shipbuilding steel plates are primarily used for marine applications, and can also be used in applications such as coal burning, nuclear power and railway cars. This grade of steel has good corrosion resistance capability and is excellent for deep draw and structural component applications. It also offers exceptional corrosion resistance at temperatures between -30°C to -50°C and meets or exceeds the requirements of the ASTM A131 criterion.

Steel grade Yield point/MPa Tensile point /MPa Elongation/% Temperature/° C V-type impact test
≤50MM 50-70MM 70-100MM
Grade AH32 ≥315 440-570 ≥22 0 31/22 38/26 46/31
Grade DH32 ≥315 440-570 ≥22 -20 31/22 38/26 46/31
Grade EH32 ≥315 440-570 ≥22 -40 31/22 38/26 46/31
Grade FH32 ≥315 440-570 ≥22 -60 31/22 38/26 46/31

The grade of steel is also used to identify its strength, toughness, and wear resistance capabilities. AH32 steel plates have the highest level of strength and toughness, with an impact strength of 53 J at 0°C. DH32 grades have medium strength, with an impact strength of 62 J at 0°C. Finally, the EH32 grades have the lowest impact strength of 43 J at 0°C.

The ABS Grade AH32 steel is known for its ability to provide high strength and excellent welding performance in more extreme temperatures. This makes it a popular choice for manufacturing large ships and other marine applications. On the other hand, the ABS Grade DH32 is an excellent choice for welding underwater structures and storage containers due to its high corrosion resistance and impressive impact strength. The ABS Grade EH32 offers excellent structural and deep draw properties ideal for a variety of applications, including coal burners, nuclear power components and railway cars.

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