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Q245R Steel Plates for Boiler Body

Q245R Steel Plates for Boiler Body

Q245R Boiler Steel is a Chinese standard specification for pressure vessel steel plate with a yield strength of 245 MPa. Q245R Steel is equivalent to the European standard EN10028-2 16MnR. Q245R boiler steel material is mainly used for boilers and pressure vessels due to its excellent toughness and weldability. Q245R steel has good resistance to stress corrosion cracking and can withstand high temperatures and pressures.

The chemical composition of Q245R steel includes carbon (C), silicon (Si), manganese (Mn), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), and trace amounts of other elements. The carbon content is relatively low, around 0.20%, which improves its weldability and reduces the risk of cracking during fabrication. The silicon and manganese content also contribute to the strength and toughness of the steel, while the phosphorus and sulfur content are kept low to prevent embrittlement.

In terms of mechanical properties, GB/T Q245R pressure vessel steel plates have a tensile strength of 400-550 MPa and a yield strength of 245 MPa. The elongation at break is ≥ 21%. These properties make Q245R steel plates ideal for use in the manufacture of boiler bodies.

The fabrication of boiler bodies requires high precision and attention to detail. Q245R steel plates must be carefully cut, formed, and welded to ensure that they meet the required specifications. The plates are often rolled and shaped into cylindrical or rectangular sections, with holes drilled for the insertion of pipes and fittings. These sections are then welded together to form the complete boiler body. Boilers are essential equipment in a wide range of industries including power generation, refinery, chemical, and petrochemical. They convert water into steam, which is then used to generate electricity, heat buildings, or power industrial processes. The boiler body is the key component of the boiler, responsible for containing and transferring the heat generated by the combustion process to the water. The quality of the boiler body greatly affects the performance and durability of the boiler. Q245R steel plates are widely used for making boiler bodies due to their excellent properties.

Q245R boiler and pressure vessel steel plates are also subject to rigorous testing to ensure that they meet the required standards. The plates are tested for composition, mechanical properties, and resistance to heat and pressure. Ultrasonic testing is often used to detect any defects or areas of weakness in the plates.

In addition to its excellent properties, Q245R steel plates are also cost-effective. They are readily available and can be purchased in large quantities, making them an ideal choice for the manufacture of boiler bodies. Q245R steel plates are also easy to fabricate, reducing the overall manufacturing costs.

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