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What is the difference between 50W800 and 50WW800 silicon steel?

50WW800 is the grade used by BAOWU Steel, the extra "W" refers to BAOWU Steel, and 50W800 is the general grade of silicon steel.

50W800 steel refers to a thickness of 0.5mm, no orientation, and an iron loss value of 0.80 watts per kilogram.

50WW800 refers to a thickness of 0.5mm, BAOWU Steel, no orientation, and an iron loss value of 0.80 watts per kilogram.

50W800 and 50WW800 silicon steel Basic features:

● Silicon content: usually between 2.8% and 3.2%.

● Magnetic properties: high magnetic permeability and low iron loss.

● Mechanical properties: It has good stamping performance and welding performance.

● Insulation performance: The surface is usually coated with an insulating layer to improve the insulation performance.

50W800 and 50WW800 silicon steel Application fields:

● 50W800 silicon steel mainly used in the manufacture of small and medium-sized transformers, motors and generators. 50WW800 Mainly used in the manufacture of large transformers, high-performance motors and generators.

● Suitable for occasions with high magnetic and mechanical performance requirements.


Main differences:

1. Performance differences:

● 50WW800 silicon steel sheet may be slightly better than 50W800 in magnetic and mechanical properties, especially in high-end applications.

2. Differences in application fields:

50W800 silicon steel is more suitable for the manufacturing of small and medium-sized electrical equipment. 50WW800 is more suitable for the manufacturing of large or high-performance electrical equipment.

3. Cost difference:

● 50WW800 may cost slightly higher than 50W800 due to its higher performance and technical content.

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