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What is JIS G3113 SAPH400 automotive structural steel coil

JIS G3113 SAPH400 automotive structural steel coil belongs to structural steel, which is generally used for bearing and other purposes, in which the strength of steel is an important design standard. SAPH400 steel is synonymous with SAPH41 steel. SAPH400 steel is a hot-rolled mild steel that is characterized by its excellent strength and formability. It has a tensile strength of 400 MPa and a yield strength of 245 MPa, which makes it suitable for applications that require high strength and formability. It has excellent weldability, allowing it to be used in a variety of applications, such as automotive frames and body panels, electrical components, and construction components.

The surface of JIS G3113 SAPH400 automotive structural steel coil is classified into FA surface and FB surface. FA surface is pickling surface or rolling surface, slight and local defects such as pits, concavities, scratches, etc. with depth (or height) not more than half of the tolerance of steel plate thickness are allowed on the surface, but the allowable minimum thickness of steel plate and steel strip shall be ensured. FB surface is pickling surface, local defects that do not affect the formability, such as slight scratch, slight indentation, slight pockmark, slight roll mark and color difference, etc are allowed on the surface of SAPH400 steel.

SAPH400 automotive steel can be heat-treated to improve its strength and hardness. Heat treatment is often used to further increase the strength and hardness of the steel, as well as to improve its wear resistance and corrosion resistance. Heat treatment also helps to reduce the risk of cracking and warping. JIS G3113 SAPH400 automotive structural steel coil is mainly used for automobile frame, wheel and other automobile structural parts requiring forming and processing performance.

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