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What is S700MC steel grade?

S700MC automotive steel grade is a high yield structural steel grade produced in compliance with EN 10149-2. The material is hot-rolled and features excellent weldability, meaning it can be used in the manufacture of a range of products, such as car body parts, vehicle frames and construction materials. S700MC steel grades contain higher proportions of alloying elements such as boron, molybdenum and chromium, which help provide higher strength than alternative structural steels, making them particularly suitable for the manufacture of highly stressed and complex components.

EN 10149-2 S700MC structural steel provides a good balance of properties, offering users the combination of high strength and excellent formability, along with good weldability. This makes it highly desirable for a range of applications in different industries, such as construction and automotive, helping meet the need for lightweight, strong, and cost-effective components.

S700MC steel grade

The high yield strength of the S700MC, even at high strain rates, helps meet the needs of the automotive industry, with strength, safety, and formability being key considerations. Due to its excellent mechanical properties, the S700MC is typically used to produce lightweight but robust structures, further increasing its use in the automotive and aerospace industries.

S700MC automobile structural steel grade is an alloy that combines performance, versality, formability, cost and weldability into a multi-functional material system, and it is an ideal choice for many applications. The combination of elements found within the steel provides users with an impressive mix of mechanical properties, making it the ideal choice for many applications in the automotive, construction and aerospace sectors.

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