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EN 10149-2 s700mc steel properties

S700MC automotive steel is a high yield structural steel supplied under the EN10149-2 specification. Due to the materials high yield (700Mpa min.) S700MC structural steel can be used in a variety of load bearing applications such as steel frames, load bearing beams and pipework.
EN 10149-2 s700mc steel properties

The chemical composition of EN 10149-2 S700MC Steel:
Si 0.20-0.50 Al 0.005-0.015 Mn 0.50-1.70 P 0.015 S 0.025 Nb 0.003-0.09 V 0.10-0.20 Ti 0.03-0.15

EN 10149-2 s700mc steel properties:
Yield Strength 700 MPa
Tensile Strength 750-950 MPa
Elongation ≤ 10 %

EN 10149-2 S700MC automotive structural steel is used extensively in cold formed components including cold pressed parts, cold rolled sections and structural beams. S700MC steel is used in a variety of industries including the Oil & Gas and Construction industries. Not only is the material used for its increases load bearing capabilities but also for its stability, which makes it attractive in high temperature environments. S700MC carbon steel is a weldable material; however care must be taken during the welding process to ensure the materials properties are not compromised upon cooling. Preheating and welding parameters must also be carefully monitored and post weld treatments must take place to restore the material properties.
EN10149-2 S700MC steel is available in either standardized(PAR) or non-standardized(non-PAR) form. It is an unalloyed quality hot-rolled material produced to the S700MC standard. Non-PAR steel is not universally recognized, however, it provides an alternative to using standard PAR steel in a wide variety of applications were ductility and toughness may not be a factor.

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